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Portfolio Deutsch
What is a portfolio?
Why are we using portfolios?
What are we going to include? Your portfolio will contain works that represent what you have discovered about yourself, your own learning, and your progress is in the language. As you develop your abilities in the learning of a second language you should provide examples in the following areas: speaking, reading, writing, and culture
What are the exact requirements? By the end of the semester, the portfolio will include these DATED items: 1. Two spontaneous writing samples: one from the beginning of the semester and one from the end. 2. One sample of a polished writing with rough draft attached. 3. One sample of a reading comprehension check. 4. One sample of a listening activity check. 5. One sample of an activity related to the Germanic culture. 6. One sample of an activity with a global theme (entire world view, other cultures). For example, you could respond to the question, “How has your view of the world changed or been broadened this semester?” 7. One cassette or videotape which captures your speaking ability. 8. Checklists including at least one portfolio checklist that shows how you have worked on the portfolio during the semester. 9. Journal entries. 10. 2-5 ITEMS OF YOUR CHOICE a. Favorite item b. Best item c. Worst item d. Photos (of work) with explanations e. Work from another subject that relates to German with an explanation f. Other ideas-I’m open to anything (aside from beer-related, taste-testing party ideas, blah, blah, blah… I’ve heard them all…bitte, hau ab!) Note: DURING THE SEMESTER YOU SHOULD KEEP MANY THINGS IN YOUR PORTFOLIO AND AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER YOU WILL TAKE THINGS OUT SO THAT THE ABOVE ELEMENTS REMAIN! Don’t toss just to toss!!!!!